Annual Conference Vote
Notice of the Annual Business Meeting American Glass Guild, Inc.
To be held at the American Glass Guild's Annual Conference – July 13, 2024
Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the Members of the American Glass Guild, Inc., (AGG), held in each fiscal year, in conjunction with our Annual Conference, for the purpose of electing our Board of Directors for the next fiscal year. The Nominating Committee has recommended five (5) candidates to serve on the Board of Directors; Roberto Rosa, Brianna Van Vorst, Jean Alexander, Tony Servinete, and Bee Stumpf. A Director’s term begins at the Board meeting held just after the Annual Meeting of the AGG Membership. The vote will take place during the conference on June 13th, 2024. ​
Nomination Statements
I am pleased to be nominated for a seat on the Board of Directors of the AGG. I’ve had a lifelong love for the craft since first visiting the studio of a dear family friend as a child, and eventually pursuing an apprenticeship with him. Eventually I enrolled in the Mason Gross School of the Arts, at Rutgers University, where I received my bachelor’s degree in fine arts. I founded my own studio, Princeton Stained Glass Co, in 2002, and worked on artworks and residential commissions for many years. Throughout these years, I also worked as a teaching artist, serving with Young Audiences of NJ, and other similar agencies, bringing arts programming into communities and school throughout the tri-state area. In 2012 I was introduced to Tom Garcia, founder of The Gil Studio, Inc, in Brooklyn, NY. I joined his staff as a glazier and glass painter and began to deepen my understanding of restoration and conservation of historic stained glass, while simultaneously maintaining my own studio, located in Jersey City, NJ. In 2019, Garcia retired, and we arranged for the transfer of the business to me. In time, I merged the studio with my own, and have been at the helm ever since. My first attendance of an AGG event was at Bryn Athyn, but the first full conference was at Corning. As my stained glass network and world has continued to grow, so has my interest in learning about and sharing knowledge about our field with others. As a longtime educator, I recognize that the AGG community has dramatically broadened my understanding of our discipline in a relatively short time, and I hope to join in that effort, and to contribute to that same broadening for others.
Submitted by the Nominating Committee:
Maria Serpentino, Chair
Pete Billington
Judith Schaechter